Let's talk Gear

It's a Guides Life

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I am very excited to share some of the tips and tricks I've learned from a life on the trail as a hunting guide, vagabond ranch-hand, and now aspiring trapper. 

Everything between pack boxes to backpacks, guns to ammunition, and all points in between. Plus some sneak peaks on gear deals and hot items for those that stick around! I honestly love this wild and crazy life and look forward to sharing with you!

Welcome to Rachel's  Blog

Pistol LIcenses

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Post excerpt goes here and here. Chocolate cake bonbon pudding tootsie roll caramels cupcake croissant sugar plum biscuit. Jelly beans gingerbread cupcake dessert cheesecake powder lollipop. Sesame snaps icing jujubes bonbon candy chupa chups caramels toffee cookie. Cookie gingerbread cake macaroon tart. Carrot cake lemon drops oat cake liquorice.

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In 2017 we began the process of bringing our story to life. After over a decade of guiding, I had the opportunity to rekindle our father/daughter relationship.
this is our story.

How Far We've Come 

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