One thing I have prided myself upon, has been authentically working with partners that want to grow together, and aren't afraid to do the work. Working as a hunting guide, riding for a few outfits before settling down at the home ranch, and now through in trapping - I definitely have put some products through the ringer. Here's to the companies that recognize this need, and the products they make that help keep our lives, wild. 

*Please note: Some of the companies are affiliate partners, meaning I, Rachel Ahtila, may get a portion of the sale, at no extra cost to you.

My Favourite Products    Vendors That I Can't Live Without


Shop amazon 

I will admit, my only regret is I didn't discover Amazon sooner! While I love to support local businesses, and really try to shop close to home- living remotely definitely comes with it's challenges... and, Amazon Prime is LIFE. 

Here you will find all of my favourite Amazon buys for home and health, and all of things in between! 


My go-to online purchases

SIG Sauer / Affiliate Code
Tools for Safety 
SITKA GEAR / Affiliate Code
YETI  / Affiliate Code
these make my life easier

This is a great section for a category of products you love - maybe there are three awesome companies that have products that help you run an aspect of your business, or three companies that help you serve your clients better - like your 3 favorite hair and make-up artists for brand shoots.  This is a great spot to sum up why you love them and why they're so awesome.

Category of Products or Vendors You Love

Visit Company Name

Tell me what this awesome product, vendor, or company does, and why you love it so much. Why should I buy it, too? This is a great spot for an affiliate link to a company you love.

Company Name You Love

Steal Like An Artist

Smart Women Finish Rich


How to Write Copy that Sells

How to Style Your Brand

Brand Brilliance


The Power of Moments

Marketing Made Simple

Start with Why

Building a StoryBrand

Each of these books has played a special role in my business growth and how I view marketing. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. Click the covers to learn more or purchase!

My Favorite Books

Learn More

Tell me about the educational resource - what does it cover, who is it for, what did you love about it. If you're an affiliate, this is also a great place to include your affiliate information.

Chocolate cake bonbon pudding tootsie roll caramels cupcake croissant sugar plum biscuit. Jelly beans gingerbread cupcake dessert cheesecake powder lollipop. Sesame snaps icing jujubes bonbon candy chupa chups caramels toffee cookie.


Learn More

Tell me about the educational resource - what does it cover, who is it for, what did you love about it.  If you're an affiliate, this is also a great place to include your affiliate information. Chocolate cake bonbon pudding tootsie roll caramels cupcake croissant sugar plum biscuit. Jelly beans gingerbread cupcake dessert cheesecake powder lollipop. Sesame snaps icing jujubes bonbon candy chupa chups caramels toffee cookie.

Educational Resource Title goes here

I am always looking for amazing educational resources to further my knowledge about "your service and offering".  Here are some great classes I’ve taken that I loved and highly recommend!

A Few Favorite Educational Resources

Join the club

Working with companies that support authenticity means there's awesome opportunities to give back!

be among the first to know on deals

The Dirty Truth

Did you know that there are several professions in Canada that allow you to carry for personal protection? 

Taking AIm on Canada's ATC Program

Snag the guide

I've put in the time. Let me help you pack for your next backcountry trip!

Tried and true pack lists for your hunt 

Grab some of my most asked for gear guides, join me at the range, and join the email list!

There's always something to take away!