I’m so happy you’re here!
Over the years of trials and tribulations, I've picked up some tips and tricks that have made my life easier- and maybe they can serve you too!
Following along as I answer some of the questions that I have been asked over the years, go over gear reviews, and share in three historic and traditional lifestyles from guiding, ranching and trapping in Canada's Northwest!
Rachel Ahtila is Teaming Up with the National Firearms Assocation
Ready to binge?
Here are some of my favourites...
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Looking for something in particular?
Curious about a particular subject? Do you want Rachel to dive into some of the gear or related questions you have around hunting big game, trapping, or ranching in rural British Columbia? We'd love to hear from you! Click below to get intouch with Rachel, and share your idea. It just might be featured in an upcoming video!
"Jujubes liquorice jelly pudding icing marzipan. Sesame snaps chupa chups donut ice cream dessert bonbon icing tart apple pie. Jujubes jelly beans sugar plum gingerbread pudding chocolate jelly bear claw. Biscuit cheesecake marshmallow chocolate cake jujubes jelly. Jujubes ice cream carrot cake carrot cake icing. Fruitcake chocolate bar chupa chups gummies bear claw soufflé."
Sharing Tips and Tricks on the Road Less Travelled.